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Mrs Daniels

Queen Bees for week ending 4th December

* In Ladybird is Aiden! Aiden has been nominated for helping to tidy up without being asked.

* In Vole class... this week Evelyn for showing kindness by picking up the pencil sharpenings off of the floor without being asked.

* In Fieldmouse is Elliott and Indy for both using polite manners to all members of staff.

* In Otter class...this week it's Lyla for always being polite and respectful when Ms Gillespie met her in the corridor.

* In Rabbit class... this week it's Connor for being polite and respectful and Cristiano for always asking if he can help with anything in the classroom. Also to Lydia for being kind and helpful whilst making the decorations.

* In Badger class ... Summer, Max and Codey for being kind and helping to tidy the classroom following our Christmas decoration morning. Lili-Starr for helping another child with their coat when their zip was stuck.

* In Pine Marten class ... for this week it's James for offering his snowflake he had made to another child after theirs had broken. Joel always offers to help with any additional jobs or roles around the class and also for being a kind and considerate friend on the playground by supporting another child on the Smooga. Harrison for helping to sort out the snowflakes for decoration day. Sophia for always being so polite and saying "thankyou" when she is given something. And lastly Letitia for asking Ms Gillespie how her day has been which is always very kind.

* In Swan class ... Ollie for always saying a hearty good morning to Mr Norfolk and asking how he is, fantastic manners. Lacey for being kind and respectful and always interacts with Mrs Pearce in the Rainbow room despite them not directly working together. Paige, Callie and Amelia for always wishing Mr Norfolk a nice evening on the way home. Reuben and Mia for being polite and respectful to Mr Hunt when going home in the afternoons.

* In Red Deer ... Macey for being kind and helpful when Mrs Pearce dropped a pot of sequins in the Rainbow room scattering them everywhere and she immediately got down and helped tidy them up without being asked. Sam during a Thrive session noticed a peer did not have the resources to make a sensory glove and because he had made two he offered one of his to them without hesitation. Grace and Sajana for helping Miss Dewing prepare booklets for ideas on decoration day. Sapphire for taking photographs in the classroom when the adults were all busy supporting other children making decorations within the room.

* In Seal class ... Lily J had been nominated by Gracie for being kind and helpful towards her this week.

We thanks all of these pupils for showing on a daily basis their Queen Bee attitudes to school life!

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