Martham Academy and Nursery PTA
“Elfridges” Gift Store is expanding for 2020 only

As we are unable to hold our Christmas Fayre this year the children have still requested Elfridges to open up. Due to your kind donations last year we have enough stock to open up without having a non uniform day this year. How it will work this year - keeping everyone safe the children will visit the store in their year group bubbles.
We are opening 3 stores, one for Nursery and Reception, KS1 and KS2, the staff will take the children along to their respective store.
For those of you that don’t know what Elfridges is, it’s a store for children only, to come along and choose a gift for their grown up, they wrap it and label it ready to be opened on Christmas morning. This year the cost is £2 per gift. If children can bring this in an envelope. Store opening from Monday 14th December - Friday 18th December

Merry Christmas from The PTA