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Queen Bee's for w/c 12/10/20

Mrs Daniels

This weeks Queen Bee's awards go to the following children:

In Vole class... it's Freya for assisting a younger child during lunchtime.

In Fieldmouse class... it's Indy for being both reflective and respectful during this weeks Music lesson and for listening very carefully.

In Fox class... this week there are several nominee's. To Rocco for being kind and helpful to a peer who was finding a task particularly difficult. Blake for showing resilience after finding a maths task tricky during the week and asking if he may stay in at break to continue trying. To Cowshiya for being kind and helpful to Mrs Pearce in the classroom after school whilst waiting for a later finishing sibling. And to Daisy and Codie for being very helpful using their artistic skills to produce a page showing the class code of conduct for their PSHE lessons.

In Swan class... this week it is Max for being respectful and thanking adults.

In Red Deer...we have Ben for assisting a friend who had fallen in the Smooga. Yasemin for volunteering to tidy the class garden of dead leaves. Aiden, Harvey and Noah for re-organising the Chromebook trolley. And lastly to Edith for supporting a peer with their learning.

Thanks to all of these pupils for showing Queen Bee attitudes to their school life!

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