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Bee's knees for week ending Friday 11th December

Mrs Daniels

This week's winners for our Bee's knees awards are as follows:

* Beetle class... For being determined and focussed in all areas of her learning this week, especially in's Faye!

* Ladybird class... For being ambitious in his Phonics sessions, well's Ryder!

* Vole class... For being determined to use his sounds in Literacy..... it's Ronnie!

* Fieldmouse class... For being determined in all his Phonics lessons recently. Keep up the good work!'s George!

* Hedgehog class... For always being ready to learn and for being a good role model within the class's Siraaj!

* Squirrel class... For being determined to teach his teacher some new words and always being ambitious in his writing's Laxseyan!

* Rabbit class... For being determined and imaginative in her creative's Renka!

* Otter class... For being curious and always asking insightful questions within's Tilly!

* Badger class... For being determined and working independently to tell the time in's Rhys!

* Pine Marten class... For working so independently in writing his newspaper article's Joel!

* Fox class... For a determined approach to her independent learning and for accumulating 22 hours of additional home learning on Reading Eggs this term, well done's Cowshiya!

* Swan class... For being determined and ambitious in all his learning and for being collaborative in sharing his ideas with the's Theo!

* Red Deer class... For producing a descriptive passage about the Trenches using powerful's Sam!

* Seal class... For being determined in Maths with his fractions's Fletcher!

Fantastic work everyone, congratulations and well done!

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