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Queen Bees for week commencing 5th October

For the week commencing 5th October our Queen Bees are as follows:

In Field Mouse class it's Evie for being helpful to the teacher by picking up lots of worksheets which the wind had blown onto the floor

In Otter class this week it's Paighton for being very resilient in walking away from a dispute and telling an adult and also Tilly Mae and Hugo for clearing up in the Rabbits cloakroom area

In Rabbit class it's Albie for being helpful around the classroom during the week

In Pine Marten class it's Tristan for offering to help Mrs McIntosh with some jobs at lunchtime

In Fox class this week it's Harley for being respectful and telling Miss Wright how much he enjoyed her Music lesson. Also Erin, Amelia and Jessica for being very helpful and tidying up within the classroom. Layla and Arthiha for always being respectful and consistently ready to learn. They always show exemplary good manners. Bobby and Charlie, thanks for being helpful by tidying up in the classroom

In Swan class it's Theo S for helping younger children on the Chromebooks at After School Club this week and lastly Mia for being both kind helpful when assisting her friends to settle into their work in class.

It's great to see so many of you showing our life skills Queen Bee's around school.

Well done to all of these pupils.

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